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Legal notices edited by :

ADC SELECTION SAS with a share capital of €50 000

Address of premises:1-7 rue Henri de France
95870 Bezons
Téléphone:01 71 68 72 84
RCS PONTOISE:852 292 721
SIRET:852 292 721 000 28
N° TVA:FR798 522 92 721

Guarantees and responsibilities

Kasnodar Caviar has taken all precautions to ensure the reliability of information and secure access to its site.

However, Kasnodar Caviar cannot, under any circumstances, guarantee the total absence of material errors, technical deficiencies or other. Likewise, no guarantee can be given as to the compatibility of the site with your particular means and uses.

Kasnodar Caviar cannot be held responsible for any damage related to the use of its site, and is not responsible for the information contained in other sites that may be linked to its own by a hypertext link or any other means.


Intellectual property rights :

All brands, logos, texts, photos, illustrations and images, whether visual or audio, appearing on the site are protected under copyright, trademark law or design law. They are the full and complete property of Kasnodar Caviar or the companies of the group to which it belongs or its partners. Consequently, Kasnodar Caviar will take legal action, in particular for counterfeiting, against all those who, directly or indirectly, would infringe its rights.

We remind you that any use or reproduction of any element of the site is strictly forbidden.

Protection of personal data :

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, rectify and oppose any data concerning you.

To exercise this right, please contact :

ADC SELECTION SAS with a share capital of €50 000

Address of the premises:1-7 rue Henri de France
95870 Bezons
Phone:01 71 68 72 84